It’s the 50th anniversary since Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard. August 15, 1971.

The currency is called fiat for a reason, it’s funny money! Hyperinflation is upon us, Prepare now! 


Think Like The Rich!

Your genius lies dormant within you.

Realize that you need the right kind of education, because the road to riches require a certain type of mindset and when you understand this, you will naturally and easily live the life you truly want and deserve.

 Success is just a decision away - Live a truly rich life today!

"Always Always Always pay yourself first! Nobody else is going to do it for you so why not start investing in yourself and your future every month"


First rule of learning: Who do you listen to?Learn from someone who has done what you want.

Affordable knowledge for everyone who want to achieve success and freedom.


The Best Time To Prepare Is Before A Crash Happens!

Download our guide on how to prepare before the coming hyperinflation and fall of the dollar.

When the currency reset occurs, wealth will transfer to people who knows exactly what to have in their portfolio.

The poor and middle class work and spend their hard earn cash on liabilities.

The wealthy save and invest in assets and education.

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way! This is not philosophy. This is physics"

- Albert Einstein


Let's tell it as it is, you will not get rich (meaning not worry about money) from just your job income alone.

You simply need multiple sources of income!

Now, more importantly than ever, It's time for you to learn real financial education so you can create the passive income you need to achieve and live your dream life.

If you're feeling lost and are not where you want to be in life - We'll help you find your way to success!


Follow Mr.SmoFo in his everyday life, sharing his life experiences and philosophies. From a poor pollywog to a rich smoking frog.

A huge will, faith and determination will take anybody to the place they aspire to be.


Always learn from someone who already have what you want and you'll adopt the skills and experiences to your persona. 

Learn investing tips and hacks while mastering The Law Of Attraction to achieve your goal in life.


We provide a step-to-step solution to your financial goal. We also have different investing opportunities to slingshot you forward in life and to help you reach your dream goal. 

We have just one requirement!

You must be willing to learn and open to change.

Why do people fail? They learn from those who don't do what they teach.

Choose a mentor with real life knowledge who has already done the practical thing. Not just the theory.


Education comes from the latin word ēducātiō and means; "To draw out", "I take out" or "I raise up".

We'll teach you how to draw out your entreprenurial genius so you can get success in your life - The only way for financial security and freedom in today's and future world economy


Learn how to follow through and make your idea come to fruition!

Time is our most valuable asset - Once used, you never get it back. 

Bring your dream to fruition


Follow our easy step-to-step courses to level up your life in every possible way.

For example:

We'll teach you HOW the rich do to maintain their wealth in times of turmoil in the markets.


When you got the proper training and education you will want to TAKE ACTION because you'll now be better able to achieve what you want.

"If you can see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand"

- Mr.SmoFo


Transform your life in record speed. The key is to get the real information and stay away from the often false or not complete free stuff online who keeps you more confused than before. 


Do as the rich do and you'll se positive results right away! 

Invest in yourself by investing in financial education and do what you love to do by your own choice.


Follow Mr.SmoFo on social media and get valuable knowledge about mindset, investing and much more.